Good Medicine 2

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 17:22 International Standard Version (ISV)

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit drains one's strength.

Today’s lesson will continue our discussion on the subject of “Medicine”. In our last lesson we briefly discussed the fact that “Good Medicine” in natural forms does exist. We noted that God’s creation of people to live in this natural earth is supposed to be fed by the natural plants and animals upon this natural earth. Yes, the Lord even gave us water to drink and seeds to plant for keeping an everlasting supply of food and drink for all mankind perpetually. Therefore, being healed in the natural body by natural elements contained in this natural world makes sense mentally and it is right spiritually because who is able (qualified) to denounce God’s Plan (His Wisdom)? No, one can revoke God’s Plan nor is mere mortal man (doctor’s and scientist included) able to create a substitute that is even equivalent to God’s System. Equipped with this understanding that God’s natural creations are designed to help (aid) the natural body to recover from sickness and disease just as much as it is designed to keep the body strong and sound (in good health). However, we (ihlcc) must confess that aside from the natural “good medicine” (remedies) to heal the body there is a more powerful spiritual component that is available to the Children of God. Yes, this component is free to all mankind so everyone can afford it because Jesus already paid for it. This component is very powerful because it’s source and origin is found in Heaven and the Kingdom of God is full of it and it is documented to give off strength according to Nehemiah 8:10b KJV which states: . . . “For this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” This means that being joyful is powerful it is a healing agent for the natural body. However, on the contrary a broken spirit is a sad spirit as mentioned in today’s reference verse. A depressed spiritual is the exact opposite of “good medicine” it is bad medicine that brings sickness and disease, not healing and health. We must do two things effectively on a consistent basis first purpose to be happy and joyful all the day long and secondly resist all lingering sadness or grief that attempts to pull your spirit (and countenance) down. It takes your will to be involved to sustain joy and laughter just like it takes bad news or thoughts to bring down your heart (depress your spirit). It is very easy to equate power to strength just like it is easy to equate laughter to joy. We know from brother Nehemiah that the joy of the Lord is our strength but did you also know that laughter will fill the heart with joy. Yes, a “spiritual good medicine” is laughter because it makes a joyful heart and a joyful heart is a strong heart that aids in the healing of the spirit, soul and body. Yes, another component of keeping a joyful heart is singing songs and hymns unto the Lord. The reason God said unto the Lord is because our Lord knew that everyone around you won’t always appreciate your singing talents. However, when you are singing unto the Lord not only does God appreciate your beautiful singing voice but He also delights in what you are saying to Him. So often God ministers unto us and this is one opportunity we get to minister unto Him in joy and adoration through songs and hymns making melody in our heart to our Loving Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father God. We hope you are singing God’s Words back to Him by reminding God that you believe in Him and you also believe in all He told you in His Word. Remember Ephesians 5:18b-19 KJV which states: “ . . . be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”. This means when we want to stay strong we can keep ourselves full of God by singing spiritual songs in our heart unto the Lord Jesus and Father God. This will keep us strong because singing about the goodness of God and His Awesome Power will always bring joy to our heart and this joy is the key ingredient of “God’s spiritual medicine”. Some people think that you can’t take God’s Word literally but we (ihlcc) would answer back, Why Not? If you can’t take God literally at His Word which bought and brought our salvation what else could you take God’s Word for? If you don’t take God’s Word literally then what you are saying is that you don’t really expect to know God intimately. Those who take God’s Word as all truth are able to grow and mature in Christ Jesus whereas all others stay underdeveloped simply because they believe they can’t trust God’s Word. If the devil can influence us to always question God’s Word we are taking the bad medicine (poison) of the devil that keeps us from drawing closer to God. Of course you can take God literally concerning His Word, His character, His Holy Spirit and His faithfulness to us because God is not as near mysterious as some mis-informed men would make it seem. Remember God is not the author of confusion but peace according to 1 Corinthians 14:33. Yes, we have been taking God literally for decades now and we have found God to be faithful and true (pure truth). Yes, if God said a merry heart does good like “medicine” we can literally expect healing whenever we have a merry heart that speaks God’s Word faithful. The key is are we doing what God said when it comes to having a merry heart? So we admonish all God’s Children to ask a serious question to themselves: Am I laughing enough? If the answer is no or I don’t know then the practical answer is you need to laugh out loud more. If the answer is yes, just keep up the “good medicine” because you should already have a merry heart. Laughter is major component of keeping a merry heart but we must also say this, “laughter does have to be emotionally felt to be effective, it can be generated at will.” This is so important we will say it again, “You don’t have to feel like laughing to qualify you to laugh.” No, no, dear saint, you can feel unemotional in heart and mind but laugh anyway and your spirit, soul and body will respond favorably. Yes, even doctors and scientist have now concluded that laughter heals the human body and your physical senses can’t distinguish the difference between real laughter coming from your heart in comparison to unemotional laughter coming from your head when you just purpose to laugh. Yes, the results are identical. So just laugh every day because many have found even when they start laughing by faith (no inspiration to laugh is present) the genuine heartfelt laughter typically follows a little bit later. So, here again, just laugh on purpose with or without motivation because it is doing your natural body good by creating a merry heart spiritually which is “good medicine”. Secondary, praise the Lord every day and as often as you can sing a song unto the Lord because this too benefits your heart by keeping it merry. Check your heart and ask yourself the question, “Am I singing unto the Lord often?” If yes, please continue in the joy of the Lord but if not, start singing today because it is always the right time to sing unto the Lord. Singing unto the Lord always gains an audience with God but we (ihlcc) personally know too that God is always happy to hear from one of His Beloved Children in Jesus Name according to Colossians 3:17 KJV. Whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. Amen!